Back to School Tieks Giveaway

Happy Back to School Season!  This time of year is always chaotic for me!  I’m starting my 7th year of teaching in a brand new school this year.  I’m so excited and yet equally nervous, stressed, etc.  Many of you are feeling the same I’m sure. Getting your classroom ready, organizing a million papers, and […]

Happy Summer!!!

Hi All!! I hope you are enjoying your summer.  My summer so far has been filled with swim lessons for my 3 year old, Professional Development, some house de-cluttering, and catching up with friends.  Whatever you are doing, make sure you find some time to relax.  I know that it’s hard to turn off our […]

Earth Day Resources and a GIVEAWAY!

I absolutely love Earth Day!! Environmental education is one of my passions and I love teaching my first graders how they can be responsible citizens by taking care of planet Earth.  I’ve compiled a list of resources that you could use in your classroom to help spread the love.

5 Tips to do NOW for a Stress Free Classroom

The beginning of the school year is always busy. We spend a lot of time making our classroom looking fun and inviting for our students. While we certainly want to do that, it’s also important to think about how you will organize your classroom materials before students enter your classroom.  By doing this ahead of […]


Can you belive back to school is just around the corner?! I’ve had such an amazing summer with my family, I can’t believe it’s almost time to start another school year.  To celebrate, I’ve teamed up with some awesome teachers to giveaway some amazing gift cards. 

DYI Whisper Phones

Mid last year, our reading coach got a set of whisper phones for the 1st grade team.  Each class got 4 for the students to share.  I absolutely fell in love with them and so did my students!  I’d heard of whisper phones before, and I’ve even seen pins on Pinterest on how to make […]

Kim’s Big Birthday Bash Giveaway

HI All!! Kimberly, from Anchors Away in First Grade, is having a huge celebration over on her blog.  Not only is it her birthday, but her blog is turning 2!!! As part of her BIG BIRTHDAY BASH, she has 5 giveaways going on.  That’s right 5!!! Head on over there to enter to win a […]

What I Learned About Small Group Instruction and a FREEBIE

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend the Teachers College Reading & Writing Project Homegrown Institute for my school district.  It was amazing!!!  My only wish is that they would hold the Institute closer to the new school year.  I felt so energized and ready to implement every new strategy I […]

2016 Goals

CONFESSION:  I am not organized…. at all!! An old friend just found this out a few days ago, and was in utter shock. Why?  Because many moons ago, I was organized.  I’m talking OCD organized. At work, I drove my co-workers nuts with my organization and expected them to do the same.  At home, my closet was color […]

Taking the Plunge

Happy New Year!!  Here’s to taking risks and enjoying the ride in 2016!  I have long thought about starting a blog, but was always too hesitant to take the plunge. I have a ton of reasons why I can’t start a blog… time being one of them.  However, as I silently stalk my favorite bloggers, I realized […]